Wrestling The First Piece: Neck-lever/hold Let yourself be seized by him, even if you could prevent it. If he has seized you under the arms around the chest and pressed you against him, then he intends to lift you up. In that case, you must let yourself sink down and seize him under the knee. Resist his pressing and bend him with both hands so that the head goes behind over his back. In this way you, as a weaker one, can throw a strong man to the ground. The Second Piece: Throw at the Hair If you want to seize someone and he sets an arm-lever/hold, then let go immediately of his arm and grab him in the hair. Tear him by the hair to your shoulder, and then run his head against the wall. Thus he is defeated. The Third Piece: Throw Note: If you and your opponent approach each other and he pulls both arms to you, then step with the left side forward. Let the left arm slide rapidly wrongly around his neck, the right between his legs. In this way throw him over the head: then he is stunned. The Fourth Piece: Out-levers/Out-locks (breaking wrestling holds?) If you and an equally strong opponent approach each other, then you MUST not hesitate. If you seize him in full run, he cannot prevent it. Grab him from below and throw him in that way. But take care that it does not happen to you! The Fifth Piece: Throw over the Shoulder From a full run, seize his right hand with your left and hold on tightly. Duck through under his right arm, pass your left hand through and seize his thigh. Take him then on the shoulders and throw him on his head. The Sixth Piece: Turning your Opponent If you and your opponent approach each other, then grab his left arm with your left, and his left leg with your right arm. Pull (tear) at him quickly, then he must turn his back to you. Then you can hit him on the head or punch him to the ground. However, if he ducks rapidly and slips through under your arm, then he has repelled this technique. The Seventh Piece: Leg Pull If you and your opponent approach each other, then lock both arms in front of the chest and punch him against the neck. Then bend down, seize his leg underneath the calves, and throw him. The Eighth Piece: Finger-lever/hold Seize one of his hands with both your hands, in any case two fingers right next to each other, and tear them apart. The Ninth Piece: Punch to the Neck In approaching: punch against him with the second hand against the neck; and then wrestle. The Three Wrestles The First Wrestle The first entrance to wrestling: lead your lower arm over his upper arm in front of his neck, and the other arm in the hollow of the knee. This works for both sides. The Second Wrestle One break: Turn over the hand that is above, and seize him in the front at the neck, with the other hand on his leg. If you cant achieve the first wrestle-hold, then turn over (or change) both hands, so that one is at his neck and the other is at his leg. This works for both sides. This break is called the Leg-break (at the leg set technique) at the arm. The Third Wrestle Strike your lower arm over that of his, seize also with the second hand and shift the foot of the same side to the rear. And throw him in front of you on his face. This works for both sides. Or else seize with both hands interlinked, pull him down by the neck and step him (or I think its more likely that treten is intended to convey kicking) with the feet behind you. These are the three Wrestles. One can execute these from the approaching-in on both sides, and also the defence techniques from them. Counter-techniques If someone holds you under the arms and intends to carry you away or throw you with force: Counter-technique 1 Attack him with both arms to his throat and press there. Counter-technique 2 Turn his head around with both hands, one at the chin, the other one at the back of his head. Counter-technique 3 Both thumbs to the throat and the other fingers in his eyes. Counter-technique 4. Press both thumbs against his temples. Counter-technique: Finger-lever/hold When someone grabs you from behind around the hips, seize the index finger of his upper hand. Turn yourself around to face him and step yourself behind him. From there you can wrestle as it pleases you. And also bend his finger. Counter-technique: Leg-pull When someone grabs you from behind around the hips, then turn yourself around a little and step with both feet close to his feet, on any side. Seize the next leg with both hands above the knee. If he does not release you, then throw him on his head. Counter-technique: ? Seize someone from behind you between the hands, and press him with that. Holds The First Hold Seize in the wrestle with your right hand to his right arm behind his right hand, and seize with your left hand at his elbow. And lay his arm in your arm, step behind him, and hold him firmly. If you do not have him defeated, then seize his right leg under the calf with the right hand and throw him on his nose. And hold him with both hands, or with one hand, as you please, and you can also alter which hand you use on his arm. The Second Hold If you throw someone onto his back, then attack him with the left knee on his right arm, exactly on the joint. And attack him with the left arm on his neck, and press hard. Seize his left hand with your right, and hold him then with your left hand then you can do whatever you please with the right hand. This works also for the left side. The Third Hold If you wish to throw someone onto his back, then seize his legs (in falling) under the knee with both hands. And lift, as high as you can, and attack him between his legs with both knees into the testicles. And bend down, so that you can hold both of his legs with one hand, then you can use your other hand as you please. Ground techniques The First Ground Technique If you wish to apply the first ground technique, then allow yourself to fall down. Lift the knee as high as possible and hold him firmly about the back. Pull him with you on the knee; if you then stretch out your leg, he will slide off. Follow through with both the hands and feet, and immobilise him with one of the holds. The Second Ground Technique If your opponent applies an upper grasp, then duck down until your head is under his chest and pull him with you. Bend your knee, seize him with any hand between the legs and throw him over you. Then throw yourself over him to make a hold. The Third Ground Technique If a man has you under him, then observe which of his hands is above. Seize on the same side at his arm. This is called a Leg-break and is often used in wrestling. Seize with the full strength of your hands and your legs and with your entire body, until you have brought the man under you. Then make one of the holds described above. Death-blows The First Death-blow Seize the man with the left hand above the belt, where you want. At the same time punch with your left fist with your full strength against his heart. Then seize him with wrestling, whichever you can do best, and follow the wrestling with breaks and Widerbrche (this is a tricky word it could mean illegal breaks, unnatural breaks, or opposing breaks). You can apply the same breaks and opposing breaks in all situations: on horseback, on foot, prepared (I assume this means either armoured or armed) or unguarded, in coming in close, lying down or standing. The Second Death-blow Seize the man with the left hand above the belt and punch your knee from underneath against his testicles. Then set about immediately with strong wrestling. In all wrestles set the holds, when necessary, and also the ground techniques. Afterwards use also the death-blows and the throws over the leg (leg-breaks). The Third Death-blow Seize the man with the left hand above the belt. With the right fist, punch him as hard as possible against the temples. Then set about immediately with strong wrestles. The Fourth Death-blow Punch him with both fists against the neck, as hard as you can. After that, wrestle. The Fifth Death-blow: Hip-throw Punch him with the right hand against the navel, as hard as you can. Then seize his right arm at the height of the biceps with your left hand. With your right arm, grab him tightly around his left side. Hold him firmly by the jacket or the hose (pants, breeches, whatever), move your backside in front of his hips, so that your right leg stands in front of his right, and throw him thus over the hip. A Break against the Fifth Death-blow If someone wants to throw you over the hip, then sling his left arm around the neck. Tear him downward to your left side, then you throw him. An Opposing Break against the Break against the Fifth Death-blow If someone wishes to break your first piece, as described, then bend backwards, as if you were going to fall to the rear, seize his left leg with the left hand and tear (pull) it upwards: thus you throw him. Variation on the entrance to the Fifth Death-blow Seize his right arm with the left hand at the height of the biceps. Grab him around the left side with your right arm. Set your right leg just inside to his right. At the same time turn him around to your right side and seize his right leg just under the buttocks with your left hand: thus you throw him. Leg-Breaks The First Leg-break This is the usual wrestle at the arms, which is called Leg-break drive it by force. And if you seize his right arm, then step with the right leg to the rear and set the left foot in front of his leg. Then punch him in front of you over the hip. The Second Leg-break Seize whichever hand he reaches toward you. Grab the arm with both hands behind his hand and turn your back in front of his stomach. In turning around, lift his arm on your shoulder and force it down. Thus you break his arm. If he tries a counter-grip, then turn yourself around and wrestle. The Third Leg-break If someone stretches his hand forward and wants to attack you with clasping around you, punching, or wrestling, then seize his hand. Take it from underneath with the left. With the right hand drive through under the same shoulder, close in and step with the right foot behind his right leg. Press him to the rear over your hip, and hold him tightly with a grip. The Fourth Leg-break Seize whichever hand someone is using to grab hold of you, as in the previous piece. And drive through with the head and body under the same arm, and then press hard against his arm. If you then pull away his following foot, he will fall. The Fifth Leg-break There are two breaks possible against the leg: The First Break Seize his leg with both hands, one over the ankle, the other at the knee. From this comes a leg break. The Second Break Seize his leg with both hands over the ankle and tear it over the shoulder; with that you will break.